Whilst you may be a social enterprise, increased profit mean more cash to incest in your social aims. Improving profit is not as simple as following a formula. Profitability is driven by many complex factors in your business. You will have already achieved the simple things like reducing obvious costs. To squeeze more out of your enterprise takes capability that is not distracted by the day-to-day running of your operation.

Saving Money

A proper analysis of your product or service from start (enquiry) to end (invoice) is key to understanding where gains can be achieved. This is followed by a focus on activities that are low cost gains and recommendations where investment can save money in the medium to long term.

Increasing Prices

Always a sensitive issue. Are you giving money away? Are your sales team always discounting. If you put up prices by 10% what would the impact be on profit vs loss of customers. Again analysis and scenario planning is key to getting the right balance.

Increasing Efficiency

If you run a service how much of your staff time is actually spent earning money? A really good analysis of this can reap very quick rewards. Where is the downtime? What is ineffective activity? For a product based organisation do you have a clear view of all costs for your enterprise? This includes machine utilisation, downtime, maintenance etc. Once more, a detailed analysis is key to understanding the details.

Our process for delivering more profit:

We follow a straightforward process:

  1. Discovery: Understanding your business, how it operates, and who does what.
  2. Analysis: We then target likely areas to better understand where profit may be gained. This could be in the sales process (pricing for margin), operations (more efficiency) or overheads (reducing unnecessary activity).
  3. Quantify: We produce a specific quantification based on the analysis so you can see where you could achieve gains.
  4. Recommendation: We will advise where to start and the method of achieving the gains. It's up to you whether you implement them - it's your business after all.

Interested in our services? Let's talk about your challenge

We want to know your needs exactly so that we can provide the perfect solution. Let us know what you want and we’ll do our best to help. 

The value we bring

You are busy running your business, and your staff are busy delivering your services and products. We provide resource which is:

  • Dedicated to achieving increased profitability for you.
  • We are not distracted by the day-to-day operation.
  • Independent, impartial and constructively challenging.
  • We report to you so are not influenced by organisational politics.
  • We don't ignore those issues that others consider to be in the 'too difficult' category.
  • We minimise disruption whilst we undertake our activities - you still have a business to run.
  • We bring significant knowledge and experience of what works elsewhere.
  • We get results.

You will notice we haven't mentioned making people redundant, downsizing etc etc. This is about getting the best out of what you already have, taking a sophisticated approach and giving real recommendations you can actually do something with.

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