Bid No-Bid Decision Making Tool

Bid or No Bid.

Deciding whether or not to pursue an opportunity can be critical. Use our tool to help.

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To use it, go through each question in turn and use your judgement to apply a score (1, 2 or 3). If you are uncertain, we would advise you to be cautious rather than optimistic.


The tool will give you an overall score. Whilst you are still applying a judgement, this structured approach encourages you to consider all aspects of the opportunity. You may score low because of lack of information so, you could decide to gather more information before making a final decision on whether to bid or not.  We have a more sophisticated tool. Click on the tool to download this free Excel resource. 

Bid No-Bid Tool


Got a question? We’re here to help.

  • When should I use this tool?

    We recommend you use the tool before you pursue any new tender or request for a proposal. Read the tender documents first then complete the tool. You will get a sense very quickly whether you really know enough about the opportunity, the customer and the competition.

  • I don't have answers to most questions, what should I do?

    That in itself tells you a great deal. It doesn't mean you should walk away, but it does suggest you need to do some research to get more answers before you consider putting together a proposal or tender response.

  • I don't know who the competitors are, how can I find out?

    This is a little trickier. If the tender is via an online procurement system, it can be worth searching for previous awards and seeing who won them. It's also worth contacting the buyer (they usually provide contact details) and just asking them. They can only say 'no' to your request. Failing that, search the internet.

  • How long does it take to complete?

    That depends on the level of detail you put into it. As a minimum, we recommend you at least complete the scores section and give your best, honest judgement as to what score you think applies. Doing this can take just a few minutes.

  • We filled in the tool and our scores suggest No-Bid. Should we definitely not bid?

    No. This tool is an aid to decision making. It will give an indication of your chances. Ultimately the decision is yours. There may be other reasons to bid, e.g., to get your name known to the customer. However, a low score does mean the chances of winning are reduced.

"At all times, Stuart gave constructive evaluations of our company and processes. He identified areas where we could improve the way in which we are communicating with existing and prospective customers and provided practical advice on how to achieve this." Managing Director, Glen Contracts Cleaning

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