Supplier Information Tool

Supplier Information Needs

This tool is used to help ensure you get all the information you need to put together a good response.

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As you read all the tender documentation, you may start to realise that you'll need information from all different parts of the organisation, whether its operations, HR, finance etc.

This tool allows you to capture that as you go, so you don't have to remember, and then place actions and track receipt of information.

Click on the tool to download this free Word resource. Contact us here if you want more information.   

Supplier Information Tool


Got a question? We’re here to help.

  • When should I use this tool?

    You should use this tool from the first read of all documentation through to the final check to ensure you have captured everything required for a compliant bid.

  • What's the benefit of completing this tool?

    It allows you to track all the information you need as you go, and whether its been received. This will reduce the inevitable last minute pressures associated with time bound tendering.

  • What's wrong with just making notes?

    By completing this form, you do not rely on one individual in your organisation to track information requirements and information received internally. This is especially important when working as part of a bid team.

"At all times, Stuart gave constructive evaluations of our company and processes. He identified areas where we could improve the way in which we are communicating with existing and prospective customers and provided practical advice on how to achieve this." Managing Director, Glen Contracts Cleaning

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